I am writing this literally whilst on the road. I am currently on a nine hour drive with the Liberty Missions team, driving up from South Mozambique up north to Vilankulos, and I wanted to share some reflections on the road!!
We have as a team been in Mozambique for a couple of days now. We have been so blessed to visit the Iris Global base in Zimpeto, Maputo. This was the first ever Iris Global base in Africa which was established by Heidi and Rolland Baker.
God has been speaking much to me and touching my heart. One of the things that has touched my heart the most was our visit to the baby house and the Mama’s here that
dedicate their lives to loving babies and children who have been rejected or orphaned by their birth parents. Yet they are loved and accepted and Fathered by God and brought up in the love and blessings of Gods family.
We were able to pray for a precious baby who was found in the bin rejected by their parents because of being disabled. This baby is deaf and blind but we pray and those on the base continue to pray for a miracle. The compassion and love of God hit me as we prayed, knowing just how much this baby is valued and loved by our Abba Father.

We also visited the girls house where the Mama's bring up the girls who are also orphaned by their natural birth parents. The girls go to school on the base but also learn practical skills like cooking and sewing together, taught by the Mama's. There is also a special needs house for children who are disabled and have been orphaned or rejected by their parents.
Whilst in church on Sunday seeing the kids come together to worship, and eat together touched by heart deeply. The way they run to the front to praise God in dance, and then how they laid hands on us whilst praying for us, and the patience and appreciation the children have as they wait for their food and pray together was beautiful to see. The love of the Mama's who are not just doing a job, but are caring for the children as if their own is incredible to see.
I am thanking God for these Mama’s who lay down their lives to love. This is truly the heart of God. Great is their reward in heaven.
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” James 1:27 NKJV
“And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” I Corinthians 13:13 NKJV
Please pray for the Zimpeto children's centre in Maputo, for the children and babies, for the Mama's and for God to continue to bring people there to love and bring these children up in the Lord.