My Story
Hi, I am Claire Louise!
I am first and foremost a lover of Jesus! Jesus is my everything and I have given my life in surrender to Him, to worship Him and to glorify His name. Knowing Jesus is my greatest joy and delight.
At five years of age, I heard the audible voice of God call my name. I had spiritual encounters and experienced God's presence and healing at moments throughout my childhood. However, I didn’t know the fullness of the Gospel and so I lived with cycles of pain, sickness, and brokenness. I had tried the world's ways of escaping but nothing helped, and I was without joy or hope. It was in 2009 when I was 19 years of age after encountering the love of God in a profound way and hearing the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that I decided to follow Jesus. I prayed a simple prayer in my heart to the Lord; "I am going to follow you, and I will never turn back!"
From that day my life has been forever changed! The Lord has taken me on a journey of healing, freedom, and hope. I have been on this wild crazy adventure with Jesus ever since, a journey into knowing Him intimately, of seeing the Kingdom of God advance through the power of the Holy Spirit and love of Christ.
I am His wild one! I cannot and will not be stopped as I passionately pursue Jesus! He has sent me into the unknown on adventures of faith and trust in Him as I have prayed and continue to pray, “Lord, send me, use me for your glory!”
This is just the beginning…

My Mission
My mission is based on the Great Commands and the Great Commission.
My mission is to seek and worship the Lord through prayer, dance and singing.
From this place the love of Jesus compels me to preach the Gospel! My desire is to go to the darkest and most unreached places to shine the light of Jesus.
I am a missionary evangelist called to go to many nations; my current mission fields are Australia, including the First Nations people and the USA.
My desire is to encourage the body of Christ into a place of deep intimacy with the Lord, and into knowing their identity in Christ, to be all that the Lord has called them to be and from this place to do the works God has called them to, especially to hear the voice of God, evangelism, and to prophesy. I am called to launch these missionaries into all the world!
I believe that the time is short before the second coming of the Lord. My desire is to bring unity, build relationships in the body of Christ between different churches and ministries in preparation for 'The Great End Time Harvest'.

"...'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’..."
Matthew 22:36-40

"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel..."
Mark 16:15
To the Ends of the Earth...
I was born in and grew up near Birmingham in the United Kingdom and I was 'born again' whilst at university in Nottingham.
In 2017, I moved to Australia, where I lived for two years in Sydney, and then as a missionary for two years in Alice Springs in central Australia and a year on the east coast of Queensland.
I have travelled to and lived in Africa for nearly a year in total in South Africa, Mozambique, Nigeria and Tanzania on various mission trips and gospel campaigns.
United States of America
I have visited and lived in USA for over a year in total for mission trips and ministry training.
My Vision
Over the last 15 years I have stepped through many fears and unknowns to follow the Lord on the narrow road. The journey of the narrow road is of great 'pressing'. There has been much surrender, sacrifice and suffering through this journey. There has also been great joy as I have enjoyed the presence of the Lord in all circumstances and witnessed the Lord do amazing things in my life and through my life. I am incredibly excited for the road ahead!
My vision with this blog is to take you on a real and vulnerable journey, to share with you the trials and joys of the last 15 years, the current things I face on the mission field and the prophetic insights the Lord gives me in the secret place to encourage and lead the body of Christ into knowing Him, and to bring glory to Jesus. I hope that you too are encouraged to step out in faith, and you too will choose the Narrow Way.
I invite you with me on the journey of "The Narrow Way"... "The Less Travelled Road"...
“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it."
Matthew 7:13-14
Much love and blessings,