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The text reads English Rose on the Less Travelled Road on the background of outback Australia
Conversations with Claire.png

Real Conversations on Living a Spirit Filled Life

One of the things I love the most is to talk with friends about Jesus, the bible and anything else related to living a Spirit filled life. I am blessed to be friends with many incredible revivalists around the world, and I often find myself in conversations where there is such profound truth and wisdom being shared. Sometimes we interpret each other's drams and visions, sometimes we share with each other what God has been speaking to us about, and often we pray together. During these conversations, I can often feel grace and faith released as Jesus is exalted. Over recent years, on many occasions during these conversations, one of us has said something like, "this should be a podcast!". Now, I have felt a stirring to make this become a reality!! 


I pray that as you listen to these podcasts that you would be encouraged, receive hope, grace, faith, and strength to live a Spirit filled life. 


"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."

Ephesians 4:29


Much love and blessings,

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