The 10/40 window is a term used for the nations 10 and 40 degrees north in latitude above the equator across sub-saharan Africa, then east through the Middle East and through Asia. These nations have the least Christians globally and are considered unreached. The predominant religions in the 10/40 window are Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and no religion.
Last year I took a layover in the Middle East, and as I walked the streets in the scorching temperatures the call to prayer went out. I felt the presence of God very tangibly which somehow confused me as I knew what I was hearing was of another faith.
As I prayed and spoke with the Lord, I became aware of the spiritual atmosphere as the Lord was showing me what was going on especially with deception and abuse. I felt a stirring in my Spirit, and realised the Presence of the Lord was tangible because He was encountering me. I said to the Lord, "If you want to send me here, I will go". I know that after walking with the Lord for more than 15 years, that He takes each word and commitment very seriously, and I was not giving the Lord my "yes" lightly.
I know that the cost of following Jesus is very high, and much higher than we often realise. Yet, even when the cost has been high, it has always been worth it for the joy of knowing and following Jesus and representing Him on this earth.
Over the next few months I had two significant dreams, the details I cannot share fully publicly, but in which I was going to war zones to pray, and the wars were then ceasing. Since then I have had multiple prophetic words given to me about me going to nations within the 10/40 window. Over ten years ago I had dreams about war zones and soon after I was saved, I had dreams about leading soldiers to Jesus.
A few weeks ago I was in Washington DC with over 250,000 women who gathered to pray and worship together at 'A Million Women - An Esther Call to the Mall'. At one moment a call went out to women preachers, and those who are called to take the Gospel to the Middle East and into the world. It felt very significant, as Lou Engle asked us, if as a prophetic declaration we would lift our shoes up to say "Here I am Lord, Send Me".
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” - Isaiah 6:8 NKJV

As the years have gone on, my heart's desire for going to the darkest and most unreached places of this world has increased. There is this deep joy and excitement within me that burns when I think about it, that I know must be supernatural. I believe I am an answer to the prayer from Matthew 9:38. Will you also be an answer to this prayer?
Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd. Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” - Matthew 9:35-38 NKJV
Last week I had a significant encounter in worship where I saw Jesus standing in the midst of a crowd in Africa that looked familiar from my time organising mass Gospel crusades in Tanzania. As I saw the Lord in the midst of the people He loves, I knew He was invisible to everyone standing around Him, yet He had made Himself visible to me. I began to weep because I knew His love for the people, His broken heart for the people, the way He had made a way for these people to know Him, His desire to be discovered there by me and the people there, and just how easy it would be to miss Him if I were not looking for Him.

Then visions flashed before my eyes of other people groups and places in the world, in the Middle East, in Asia, amongst children who were being abused. In each one of these scenes Jesus was there in the midst of them. It felt like Jesus was showing me that He had already paid the price for these people to know and love Him and for Him to bring them hope and freedom, but that He was inviting me to find Him in the midst of the people He loves across the nations, and He was inviting me to come and reveal Him to those around Him. Yes, we go to reveal the love of Jesus to these people, but we also go to seek the Lord above all things and meet Jesus in these places.
I know that Jesus goes before me, in all the places He has called me to, and that is why I give Him my all. No number of salvations, miracles, healings or testimonies will satisfy, only the love and Presence of Jesus as I yield my life to Him and experience and encounter Him in the journey.
Over the years I have had many prophetic words about being an undercover secret agent for Jesus. This year I have two secret assignments from the Lord which I cannot share publicly, one throughout the year, and another in the 10/40 window.
Early next year I will be travelling to a nation and to people groups in which only 2% of their population are Christians and the preaching of the Gospel is restricted. We will be ministering the love of Jesus and expecting the Lord to move in power.
Some Christians are called to go, some are called to send. It is an absolute joy and honour to be called to go and be counted as one who gets to carry the Gospel of peace to a world that desperately needs peace.
How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” - Romans 10:14-15 NKJV
I want to invite you to pray about if you are called to go, and if you are called to send. Being sent does not just look like going to the most unreached people groups of the world, but for some it is ministering the love of Jesus to those around you in your own nation.
Recently I have been praying into the refugee crisis worldwide. Many refugees are fleeing war zones and are making their home in Europe, and some in Australia and in the USA. Many of these people come from nations where the Gospel is not preached. Will you take up the call of ministering the love of Jesus to these people in your own cities?
Last week I had a dream about this mission trip, that some are not able to go, but they are able to send me. I therefore invite you to pray for me as I prepare and complete my secret assignments over these coming months. I also invite you to prayerfully consider sowing financially into sending me.
Update 25th January: This upcoming trip is now fully funded, but if you would like to give into future trips into the 10/40 Window you can do so below.