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The New Sound

Writer's picture: Claire LouiseClaire Louise

Last year I went through a long time in the secret place that when I would go to put music on to worship to, oftentimes it felt different and lacked the grace it used to have to help bring me into the tangible presence of God. The songs that had always carried the presence of the Holy Spirit somehow felt old and outdated and didn't carry the same presence as I had previously experienced.

I asked the Lord why, and I heard the Lord say, "There is a new sound coming".

At the beginning of 2022 the Lord had been showing me through revelation and in the Word about deception in the last days and how it will be, and already is rampant in the church. It was at this time God spoke to me saying, "There are two choices for the believer, the Great End Time Harvest or the great end time deception".

Over the last two years I have had several end-times dreams, there is a great urgency to preach the gospel as the Lord has spoken to me that Jesus is coming back soon. I truly believe we are on the edge of the greatest harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God that we have ever seen, and I believe this will be a global harvest that will usher in the second coming of Jesus.

Although I have not extensively looked into revival history, from the few revivals that I know, it seems that prayer always precedes revival. Revival is a word that has been misused by the church, leading to false movements, deception, and apathy in the church.

But I truly feel there is a worship movement stirring that will have a new wineskin (Mark 2:22). There will be many new styles and expressions of worship, with dance including flag dancing and drama also prevalent. It is time to unashamedly dance like David, it is time to turn the lights on, to get out of the four walls of the church and to not be afraid of the unusualness of the new sound.

This worship that will prepare the way of the second coming of Jesus will not have the motives of elevation or fame of individuals, but God will use those who are humble and seek to glorify the Lord alone. It will not be only on the mouths of the experienced singers, but of unlearned mouths of all generations including young children. There is a call for holiness and purity of worshippers, and His worshippers must worship in Spirit and truth (John 4:24).

This new sound will include the proclamation of the Gospel through singing. The way the Gospel has been preached has so far mostly been through preaching, but this move will reach the lost through preaching the simplicity of the Gospel through song.

I had a dream on 12th August 2022 in which there was worship outdoors in a field and as I went to see what was happening, the moment I walked past the worship I became drunk in the Holy Spirit and fell to the ground under the power of the Holy Spirit. I was laughing and drunk, enjoying the Lord but there were people nearby confused and trying to help me up. These people had never experienced drunkenness in the Holy Spirit, and they were asking me what was happening. When I could talk again, I started sharing bible scriptures with them; "For these are not drunk as you suppose..."(Acts 2:15), "And do not be drunk on wine... but be filled with the Spirit"(Ephesians 5:18). They were asking me how I know it isn't alcohol and I told them I haven't drunk alcohol for years and that is why I don't drink alcohol, so people know the drunkenness is only by the Holy Spirit.

In the dream there was a sign about deliverance and healing near these people inside of a building, but no-one was in the building. Then in the dream after this, I was in a shop that was selling shiny eyeshadow. As I woke, I heard the song lyrics; "I am praying that you open our eyes", which is 'Make It Right' by Maverick City Music.

I very much felt when I woke that deliverance and healing would come through worship and that much of this would be marked by joy and drunkenness in the Holy Spirit. I also feel that much of this worship will be outside of the four-walls of the church. I believe the Lord is opening our eyes in this season to what this new wineskin of worship looks like (Ephesians 1:18-21, Revelation 3:18). As we worship the Lord, He inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3) and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).

There are places of worship starting up all over the place, and there is also a grace and desire to do 24-hour worship spaces. From this place the church will go and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and many will be saved!

It is time for The New Sound!

Acts 2:15-21

For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:

‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. And on My menservants and on My maidservants I will pour out My Spirit in those days; And they shall prophesy. I will show wonders in heaven above And signs in the earth beneath: Blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, And the moon into blood, Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord. And it shall come to pass That whoever calls on the name of the Lord Shall be saved.’

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